Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chapter 1,2
It start of with boy name Amir he is 12 years old.Rahim is his on of his friend.His dad baba have one of the best on houses.Baba is a rich man.And Hassen is the servant of Amir.Amir plays with Hassen .They get along like brothers.They go to the movies together they do all kinds of things.But one day they went a man told Hassen to come to him.Then the man started talking about his mom.That hurt his feelings.I think it made him wonder.Hassen dad was a servant as well.They was staying on a little shack by the big house.Baba would always have parties in his house.He take care of that house.Hassen never knew his mother.
Chapter 3
Baba was a big man he was huge.But he was to nice.Amir love his dad.His dad play soccer when he was little. Amir do not like any sports.His dad think he is just soft.Amir think every thing true that people say.He get push around outside.He think his dad hate him.His dad is wondering about his son.
Chapter 4
Baba was born in 1933.When Ali came part of the family.Ali and Baba grew up like brothers.It was like the same thing as Amir and Hassen.Amir and Hassen never thougt they was going to be friend.Amir always read to Hassen.Hassen love when Amir read to him.Hassen is a good person to be friends with. He think Amir going to make it big.Then got a chance he made a book.Hassen love the book that he had.
Chapter 5
Start with they met up with Affef.The bully he got weapon.He be beating people up with his two friends.Hassen had his sling show they were scared.He always mess with Hassen.He mess with Hassen because he think he is better than him.I do not think that is fare that he pick on other people.And Hassen was teaching him a lesson.