Friday, April 23, 2010
Why is dreams and dreaming important to self discovery
Dream and dreaming is important to self discovery. Dreaming elp people find there goeals in life by dreaming about what you want to do. Dreamin can help you rememeber school work and just somethings you did while you were awake. Dreaming is good to keep your healthy because if you dont get no sleep it can be harmful to your body and you really can get stres out with life. Another reason why dreaming is important is because you might dream of that person you want be with in life a and that person might be your solemate in life with you even knowing and you will think that was just a dream and say or do nothing about it that pen ill never know that you like theand you will never get with that person. So what im trying to say is that dreaming is not just sometimes a dream that dream can come trueand have a big impact on your life so dont let dreams fool you. I heard on the news that dreaming can help you learn and remember things. Dreaming can help in lots of ways but if you dont get no sleep it can hurt you in a way. And dreaming is one of the most easies thing that can help you. So dreaming cant hurt you it can only help you. And everybody dreams even if we cant remember it it happens. Sleeping and dreaming is healty and it will set goals for you. So dreaming is so important for people to do.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Chaper 20
Because they really loved Janie just a little less than they loved tea cake and because they wanted to think well of themselves they wanted their hostile attitude forgotten. They wanted there self to be forgotten about and think that they were better than Janie and tea cake. Nobody better not criticize yuh in my hearin as in she better not hear nobody talk about her in her face or were she could hear them she is talking about the jealous people that always trying to talk about her. Because its not fair that people talk about her behind her back and say hi in front of her face.
Chaper 19
Janie us been in dis dirty, slouchy place two days now, and dats too much. They was not used to being in a dirty house and staying in one they want to leave who ever the house belongs to. They are used to a clean house that they live in. and then him with the square toes gone to his house, a man with ugly feet that live in a ugly house that they wouldn’t want to live in.
Chaper 18
Since tea cake and Janie had friended with the Bahaman workers in the glades they saw had been gradually drawn into the American crowd. Janie and tea cake were being Americanize form the Bahaman workers they learned new things new dances. They enjoyed the workers as company. He sleeps on the bed and yonder. I think Janie is trying to say that tea cake sleeps and wonder and dreams he don’t wake up when he is called because he might be in deep sleep and cant hear at all when he goes to sleep and don’t wake up until he fill like it.
Chaper 17
Great deals of the old crowd were back. But there were lots of new ones to. A lot of people came back to the town and there were some new comers as well the town was coming back to life and was becoming a town again. Uh person can see every place you hit her. In saying he hit her so hard that it left marks on her face and people could tell that she had gotten beat by her husband and she didn’t do anything about it and act like nothing had happened to her and everybody knew what happen.
Chapter 16
The season closed and people went away like they bad come in droves. People were leaving the town and the town stared to get dead because everybody was leaving. People were leaving the town fast and quickly. The town is not what it used to be and need help to get it back to get it started. Taint de poorness its de color and de features. I think it means it’s not the money in your pocket it’s the color of your skin and don’t bring a different color in the home they live in. But its not the money in there pocket.
Chapter 15
Janie learned what it felt like to be jealous. She wanted to see what all the other girls see what it felt like to talk about somebody behind there back. People talk about here so much behind her back she wanted to see how it felt is it fun. She grabbed mah working tickets outa mah shirt pocket and ah run tuh get em back. I think what this means is that somebody took something from him and he tried to get it back what ever they took it must of meant something and he must of needed it to.
Chaper 14
To Janie strange eyes, everything in the everglades was big and new. She never seen things big as in her life and was very new to her and she was not used to it and was
As amazed on how things grew there she never seen nothing like that in her life so, all of those things was new to her. Tell yuh whut, Janie, less buy us some shootin tool and let’s go hunting round heah. Joe wants to buy guns to go hunting for animals and go have fun and be a man and just go live life.
As amazed on how things grew there she never seen nothing like that in her life so, all of those things was new to her. Tell yuh whut, Janie, less buy us some shootin tool and let’s go hunting round heah. Joe wants to buy guns to go hunting for animals and go have fun and be a man and just go live life.
Chapter 13
Jacksonville. Tea cake letter bad said Jacksonville. His letter has came a letter that he have been waiting for a long time and it is about to finally arrive and what ever it is he really need it because it can help him in someway and is vary helpful and he need it. Don’t need tuh ask me where ah been all dis time, cause its mah all day job tuh tell you I think what this means is that she don’t need to ask him how was is day because its his job to tell her and he was gone tell her anyway.
Chapter 12
It was after the picnic that the town began to notice things and got mad. They didn’t like the fact that Janie and Tea Cake was together they though she was down grading herself and they didn’t like him because he was spending so much time with him hanging out every day. Because Tea Cake isn’t no Jody Starks and if he tried tuh be, it would be uh complete flommucks. Tea Cake can’t be no Joe because he don’t have what Joe had and did not do what Joe did. Tea cake and Joe Starks are two different people.
Chapter 11
Janie wanted to ask Hezekiah about Tea Cake , but she was afraid he might misunderstand her and think she was interested she was scared of being misunderstood about Tea cake because she didn’t want him to find out that she liked him because she didn’t want to open up to anyone right now. Janie , ah hope god may kill me, if im lyin. Nobody else on earth kin hold uh candle tuh you baby. You got de key to my heart and he loves her and wants to be all his life and nobody else will have her.
Chapter 10
One day Hezekiah asked off from work to go off with the ball team. Taking a day off of work and play instead of going to work and having a boring day because you need a little fun in your life to enjoy life in a good way. My second quote is jes lak uh lil girl wid her Easter dress on. I think what this mean is that even though she is 30 to 40 years old she still looks like a nice looking lady. And being happy and enjoying life to the fullness that it could be and having fun.
Chapter 8
After that night Jody moved his things and slept in a room downstairs. I think that they had a bad fight they were not able to sleep together. I think Janie and Joe want talk to each other for a while until they solve there problems. The other quote is it a matter of time. I think this means that someone is going to die it is there time to go and it will happen in a matter of time or soon and aren’t to help that person that has no time to live in the world so its there time.
Chapter 9
Joe funeral was the finest thing orange country had ever seen with Negro eyes. It was so well put together rich and fine. The funeral was nice but not nice as happy that Joe was dead but how it was so well kept together and all the people were there to pay there respect to the person that made there town. They other quote is uh woman by herself is uh pitiful thing. As like women need man to survive in the real world because they really can’t do any by themselves. Woman needs someone to help them and take care of them. And or they need assistance in something’s.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Chapter 5
On the train the next day Joe didnt make any speeches with rhymes to her, but bought her the best thing the butcer had apples, and glass lantern full of candies. He stop talking to her and bought her things as he was trying to buy her love and thats the way you find love. Speaking of wind he de wind and wese de grass. Saying that Joe is blowing all over them and there is nothing they can do because they need Joe. They have to stay there and get blown untill he stop or untill they leave or just deal with it.
Chapter 4
Long before the years was up Janie noticed that her husband stopped talking in rhymes to her. Her husband was nice at first but as the years went by he started to get mean and stop being mr. nice guy and he started making her do work around the house.The morning road air was like a new dress. What this mean is that the moring road air outside was nice enough to wear a new dress it would be a great day for her to go out there to enjoy her self like she would.
Chapter 2
Janie saw her life like a great tree leaf with things enjoyed things done and undone. What this mean is that she seen her life as a great tree as things she done and did not do. And bad things she gone through and good things gone through. Waiting for the world to be made. What this mean is waiting for the world to come to you because you is getting tired of waiting for life to come. Looking for something to happen in the world.
Chapter 1
Ships at a distance have every men's wish on board. This quote mean just live your life and try to reach your dreams to the fulless and see what the world is all about. You will never find out what the worls is unless you go search yours dream. So if you want your dream to come true you will search your have to search your dream. These sitters had had been tougueless, carless, eyeless conveiences all day long. This means that th people has been sitting quiet all day long but when sundown thats when all the people get to start talking and start seeing things.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hello my name is Lance Bulley. My two dreams for the future are going to Central Michigan and have a wife and kids that I love and love me and live in a nice safe inviroment for the wife and kids. For me going to Central Michigan I would have work harder from now on and stay out of trouble. I would need good grades and a good ACT score to get in there. I have to stay of trouble in school and stay focus at all time. The reason I would like to go to Central Michigan is because of the pre law. This will open lots of opportunitys for me on careers as criminal law, health law, real estate law, family law, miltitary law, probate law, taxation law and civil rights law and more . Employments for lawyers are suppose to grow. For some reason I love anything that have to do with law because i like helping people. I enjoy seeing a smile on people faces knowing that I just helped that person. The business of law is a very serious business and I would like to go to the school that I always wanted to go to. So if I work hard and do what I have to do in school I would be able to attend my college of chose Central Michigan Univerisity. My second dream is to have a wife and kids that I love and love me and have a good positive life for my kids to reflect on. First I would have to find the love of my life and have control of my career by then and then settle down and have kids. My kids will live in a safe enviroment and have a nice life and not for my kids having to grow up doing bad things in there life to get better things because thats not the way I would go and thats not the way I would want my kids to go. To live in a safe enviroment I would have to have a good career that pays well to get my kids a better education and life. I would give my wife what she want and need and I would pay attention to her because money can not buy love. By having a carrer in law it will make my life easier and more safer for me my kids and my wife and set better opportunitys for my kids and set money up for their college fund. Taking care of my family is going to be my life and I would have to be a man and provide for my family in a positive way because I would not just be a dad I would be a role model to my kids because most likely kids follow their parents and their parents ways. I would have to have a smart eduacated wife that can set a good impression to the kids as well. So the kids will have least two role models in thier. I cant have a wife that sit at home and does not take care of the kids and all she does is ask for money. So thats my future that I would want to live and have for me and my kids and my wife.
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