Friday, April 9, 2010


Hello my name is Lance Bulley. My two dreams for the future are going to Central Michigan and have a wife and kids that I love and love me and live in a nice safe inviroment for the wife and kids. For me going to Central Michigan I would have work harder from now on and stay out of trouble. I would need good grades and a good ACT score to get in there. I have to stay of trouble in school and stay focus at all time. The reason I would like to go to Central Michigan is because of the pre law. This will open lots of opportunitys for me on careers as criminal law, health law, real estate law, family law, miltitary law, probate law, taxation law and civil rights law and more . Employments for lawyers are suppose to grow. For some reason I love anything that have to do with law because i like helping people. I enjoy seeing a smile on people faces knowing that I just helped that person. The business of law is a very serious business and I would like to go to the school that I always wanted to go to. So if I work hard and do what I have to do in school I would be able to attend my college of chose Central Michigan Univerisity. My second dream is to have a wife and kids that I love and love me and have a good positive life for my kids to reflect on. First I would have to find the love of my life and have control of my career by then and then settle down and have kids. My kids will live in a safe enviroment and have a nice life and not for my kids having to grow up doing bad things in there life to get better things because thats not the way I would go and thats not the way I would want my kids to go. To live in a safe enviroment I would have to have a good career that pays well to get my kids a better education and life. I would give my wife what she want and need and I would pay attention to her because money can not buy love. By having a carrer in law it will make my life easier and more safer for me my kids and my wife and set better opportunitys for my kids and set money up for their college fund. Taking care of my family is going to be my life and I would have to be a man and provide for my family in a positive way because I would not just be a dad I would be a role model to my kids because most likely kids follow their parents and their parents ways. I would have to have a smart eduacated wife that can set a good impression to the kids as well. So the kids will have least two role models in thier. I cant have a wife that sit at home and does not take care of the kids and all she does is ask for money. So thats my future that I would want to live and have for me and my kids and my wife.

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