Saturday, October 9, 2010

What is evil and does it exist in today’s?

Evil is causing harm or violation moral codes. Evil stills exist today as life goes on. I think we need evil to have good. Without evil the world will be totally different as in there will be less jobs. Evil people give good guys jobs such as police officers. I think without evil people would be walking around here wondering what to do with there lives sense's i guess everyone would be nice. Evil still exist today because if there was not any evil people we want still have police officers and people like that to keep us safe. There have to be evil people in this world to keep the world rotating in a circle. so the people that's saying we don't need evil people in this world i think we do to have good people in this world. So to answer the question yes evil stills exist in the world and i think its a good thing. I know evil is bad but you have to think about what we want have without it such ass police officers, fireman, investigators, all the things i named are jobs that help the good man to be employed. even if your evil don't mean you cant become a good person everybody can change and do whats good in life. Same thing goes for if good exist evil exist because if their was not good the world will be damage and nobody would care about nothing. So ask yourself does good exist or is it a allusion. I think if good exist evil exist because you cant have one or the other because we need both in the world.

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