Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How would you have felt as a teen back in the day read about the till murder in the newspaper

I would feel bad reading something that a boy had did and what he had to pay i will feel mad like i do not want to say but i will judge between whites and blacks and hate every thing whites do and what they say its not fare a 14 year old white kid could hit on a black woman but the blacks could not do it back i will be a racist to all whites then what the people in the court did i would not want to line in mississippi because i will want to kill who ever did it it would scare me that a boy my age had got beat up and shot in the head and they just thows him in the water my body would be full of hate i would think about the parents and how mad they are it do not look like he was on vacation i will save the newspaper and show it to all blacks and start something with the kids that hated what they did to that black boy.People should not jugde if it was a white boy he would just got talk to not beat or shot in the head i think it is not fare at all so me i will be vary mad at something like that.

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