Monday, February 23, 2009

What could Hiram or anyone ,have done to stop a crime

In the Mississippi trials in the part which R.C beat up Bobe was not fare Hiram could stop the fight but he let R.C do what he did to the boy and all he did is just watch it like a show he needed help but all Hiram could do is think of himself than he blame himself when it was all over than it led to when R.C told him that he was going down with a couple of people to talk to Bobo but what happen the boy ended up dead Hiram did the right thing to call the police but he knew they was not going to do any thing Hiram could of stop R.C and he could of follow him to where ever he was going try to talk some sense into his friend.And the police could be more serious in there job as when Hiram told them about what R.C said know they got a murder that should't had happen and the case that should't happen.If the police would have benn more serious with there job it would be a good thing in mississippi back then.

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