Monday, April 6, 2009

What I think

What i feel about this is a girl that a girl that did good, somthing happen bad she did not do anything wrong but the people that was drunk did it to a innocent person and that was not fare
that a girl that was thinking she was ok because she did not drink but things happen that why know one should drink and drive she did not do anything wrong went to a party and tried to leave in one peace was not thinking of dying by people drinking an driving it can hurt just not you but all people thats around you in danger.People think it is cool to drink and drive it is not,it is just crazy they are not thinking of nobody else not even theres so if you drink and drive that is wrong to you and to your family by people doing those things they look at the parents so it not cool to drink under age you should be home and do some homework and study and do not play around.

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