Thursday, April 30, 2009

What obstacles stand in the way of enduring relationships?

What obstacles stand in the way of enduring relationships? Thats a nice question to me the first thing I am going to talk about is to stay true to the one that you love being true is a good thing to do thats make sure that the one you love can can believe you at any point and you need the belief of the person that you love or it will just be two people and he/she will lieve you. The second thing is responcibility if you can that care of the things you have you will keep the girl and the being responcible as do not cheat on the woman or the man you love you can go far in the relationship that you have the last step is be a lady or a gentalmen, men do not want a girl that pass gas when they are eating use bad words and thinks that they are all that and a lady do not want a man with no job can not support her and just nasty and have no maners at all so thats what it think the obstacles you need to have.

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